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我都要彪了!word文档:A popular method for determining the effects of

网站编辑:宽屏壁纸网 发布时间:2022-08-13  点击数:
导读:我都要彪了!word文档:A popular method for determining the effects of 我都要彪了!word文档:A popular method for determining the effects of independent variables and their interactions is to generate a statis...

我都要彪了!word文档:A popular method for determining the effects of

A popular method for determining the effects of independent variables and their interactions is to generate a statistical response function.The following function is an example of such a function for 3 independent variables:
where,ycalc is the calculated dependent variable (what you predict as the outcome of the experiment),and x1,x2,and x3 are the independent variables.The values of b parameters:b0,b1,b2,b3,etc.,are generated for a given set of data by performing a regression fit (i.e manipulating their values in order to minimize the sum of the square of the errors,SSE,between the average measured response,yavg,and calculated response,ycalc).
The data in the Excel file,Assignment_7_3.xls,contains experimental data measuring the effect of pH,collector concentration,and air flow rate,on the percent recovery of copper from a flotation cell.Using the data in the file,
a) perform a regression fit of the data using SOLVER according to the equation given above in order to obtain the b parameters.
b) Use the equation generated in part a) and SOLVER to find the pH,collector concentration,and air flow rate that give the maximum predicted percent recovery of copper.
Experiment pH Col.Conc.Air flow Cu Recovery %
Number x1 x2 x3 y1 y2
1 9.73 240.83 25.77 86.55 85.26
2 9.73 240.83 14.23 80.77 81.47
3 9.73 79.17 25.77 59.89 61.12
4 9.73 79.17 14.23 46.99 46.53
5 6.27 240.83 25.77 69.88 70.76
6 6.27 240.83 14.23 66.81 67.02
7 6.27 79.17 25.77 57.4 56.24
8 6.27 79.17 14.23 48.19 49.13
9 11 160 20 74.48 73.58
10 5 160 20 59.8 60.46
11 8 300 20 84 84.52
12 8 20 20 43.54 42.89
13 8 160 30 70.75 71.15
14 8 160 10 56.49 57.33
15 8 160 20 78.81 79.41 ncchen2005 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答

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