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How to be a successful kid作文怎么写?

网站编辑:宽屏壁纸网 发布时间:2022-08-13  点击数:
导读:How to be a successful kid作文怎么写? jwill61 1年前他留下的回答 已收到2个回答 yao8210694 网友 该名网友总共回答了2...

How to be a successful kid作文怎么写?

jwill61 1年前他留下的回答 已收到2个回答

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As we all know.It is important for us to be a successful kid.However,how can we to be a successful kid?Here are some opinions.
First,we should .Then,we should.Next,we should.After that,we should.
In one word,we have to make a good choice,hold each opportunity and fly to dream,then march fearlessly onward.Are you ready Success is smailing to you!
How to be a successful kidIf you want to be a successful kid,you should try to do following things:First,you should find a good example and try to catch up with him Second,you should make a plan before you do anything and then try to finish it well.Third,you should try new things .Fourth,you should keep doing something .Try your best to make it come true.Fifth,you should be a team player.At last,try your best to be a successful kid.Elaine 回答采纳率:31.7% 2010-06-05 17:30 In the very First place,Success is a dream.Ladies and gentlemen,May I ask you a question?Why do you want to succeed.Yeah,the answer it’s that It’s a dream.It has been a dream even since you were a little kid .It’s the right dream that you want to spent all your life realising it.Meybe as the song tell us that,If you think about it every night and day,there is nothing to it,there is nothing to your success.On the other hand,success is a chioce.The persons who are succeed can see that life won’t be perfecf,we should learn to avoid impulse to quit,we should learn to try our best to rush to the dream.we should learn to choose the things which are helpful to our success.Finally,success is an opportunity.BILL GATES says that “ Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping,they call it opportunity.We can never know how important the opportunities are which we have lost” He seizes each single opportunity,and at last he succeed.On the contrary,Some people are very capable but never accomplish something big.But we should also see that it’s not opportunity itself that decide a person’s success.To seize the opportunity,we need knowledge,skill,and experience.In one word,we have to make a good choice,hold each opportunity and fly to dream,then march fearlessly onward.Are you ready Success is smailing to you!



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