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网站编辑:宽屏壁纸网 发布时间:2022-05-12  点击数:
导读:急求一份英文检讨!检讨不应该在英文课上讲中文!(因为我在外国留学,外国老师不允许讲中文的!) 急求一份英文检讨!检讨不应该在英文课上讲中文!(因为我在外国留学,外国老师不允许讲中文的!)500词左右!词汇难度没要求!写得真情就好! H-uu人 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答...


500词左右!词汇难度没要求!写得真情就好! H-uu人 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答

hljfzy 花朵


It‘s very improper for me to speak chinese on english class on condition that mr.x(你英文老师)have made it clear to us that we shouldn't do that. i feel shamed and regret about my behavior because if a student doesen't obey the basic rules which help to keep order in the class, then he would disturb not only the teacher but the other classmates. i have realized my mistake and its bad affect to the related perpon especially mr. x. i really have to beg your forgiveness and i sincerely hope that you give me the second chance. i promise that it will never happen again
好吧 这里是一百字 我觉得已经很罗嗦了.500字 反正你也在国外 你可以叙述一下前因(你什么时候在英文课堂上因为什么而说了中文,二百字;你既然在留学应该还是能说清的吧?)这样你就有了三百字.然后再花一两百字分析一下你留学后,老师和同学对你的帮助,你很感激 很感动 再罗嗦一下 差不多了吧.hope that i can help you a little

1年前他留下的回答 追问





Review I must apologize to Professor X and my classmates for my improper behavior in the English class last Monday. It‘s very impertinent of me to speak Chinese in the English class which shows no respect to the teacher on the condition that Professor X have made it clear that we shouldn't do that. There is absolutely no excuse for me to have done this whatever reason I based on. First, if a student doesn’t obey the basic rules which help to keep order in the class, he would disturb not only the teacher but also the other classmates. To obey class rules is we students’ essential obligation and we should always keep it to our minds. We should not chat, disturb others, or do anything else unrelated in the classroom. Discipline means a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective. Second, as we all know, the way to learn a foreign language well is to forget the native language temporarily so as to comprehend the culture and grammar of the foreign language. This is true for a Chinese student to learn English. I should appreciate that my parents provide me such a Fighting chance to study further aboard and XXX (your university) offer me such healthy education environment to improve myself and Professor X is such a patient teacher to correct my mistake. I really should treasure all of these and I really should understand the importance of English. It can further our exchanges with our international friends. I feel so shamed and regret because I failed to live up to your expectations. Last but most important, I have realized my mistake and its bad affect to the related person especially Professor X. I also realized the importance of learning English. I really have to beg your forgiveness and I sincerely hope that you give me a second chance. I promise that it will never happen again. Best wishes Sincerely

  以上就是小编为大家介绍的急求一份英文检讨!检讨不应该在英文课上讲中文!(因为我在外国留学,外国老师不允许讲中文的!) 的全部内容,如果大家还对相关的内容感兴趣,请持续关注宽屏壁纸网!


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