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导读:急求一篇关于《拼搏与梦想》的英语演讲稿…时间3~4分钟 急求一篇关于《拼搏与梦想》的英语演讲稿…时间3~4分钟马上就要演讲比赛了,我想要一篇3~4分钟的演讲稿… SE妖妖 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答...


马上就要演讲比赛了,我想要一篇3~4分钟的演讲稿… SE妖妖 1年前他留下的回答 已收到1个回答

江1712 网友


Struggle and dreamsDo you have dreams you want to pursue,but never seem to have the time because of the twin demands of work and family?
So what’s the quick answer?There isn’t one.It takes hard work.But the most important two factors are:
  1.It has to be something you’re excited and passionate about;
  2.You have to make it a top priority,and structure your day so that it really is a priority.
  Let’s go into more depth for each of these two factors.
  Work on Something You’re Excited and Passionate About
  This step might seem a bit trite or obvious but it’s crucial,and I think it’s something many people don’t think enough about.
  Often people think they want to do something,but perhaps it’s just something they think would be nice to do … not something they’re really passionate about.If you’re passionate about something,you can’t wait to do it,and you’ll clear your schedule and make the time to do it.You’ll find a way,and when you’re doing it,you’re excited and happy (and maybe even a little obsessed).
  Really think about whether you’re excited about your goals or dreams … if not,you might need to look for new dreams.
  If you are excited,and you’re really working hard to pursue the dreams because of this excitement,move on to the next step!
  Making Your Dreams a Priority
  So how do you go from being excited about it to actually doing it?By making your dream your top priority.
  That means every day,when you wake up,decide what you’re going to do to make that dream a reality.Then do that task first thing in the day,before even checking email.If you can’t do it first thing,schedule time for it.If it’s a priority,you’ll make the time.
  But what about work and family?Obviously those are also priorities,so you’ll have to schedule time for all three.That might mean cutting back on the work you do,or watching less TV,or doing less Internet surfing or reading,or spending less time on email.Place limits on these routine-type activities,so that you can find the time to work on your dreams.
  You might consider waking up earlier,or working late at night when your family is asleep.You might go in to work early so you’ll have some quiet time to work on your dreams,or leave early and work on your dreams right after work,or work on your dreams during lunchtime.
  You can make the time,if you make it a priority.
  Take Action
  It’s also important,of course,to take action — you can’t just schedule the time.You have to wake up from dreaming and actually get to the doing!
  Again,make the action to move closer to your dream the first action you take each day,if at all possible.That way it won’t get pushed back to the end of the day,and then to the next day,and so on.Don’t let the dream tasks be pushed back!
  Try to take action every single day on your dreams.Small steps add up over time.
  Enjoy the Journey
  Most of all,enjoy yourself.If you hate what you’re doing,you won’t do it for long.But if you really enjoy the activity,you won’t be able to wait — you’ll want to do it right now.
  Whether your dream is writing a book or starting a new business or creating your own blog or taking photography or pursuing a graduate degree … don’t always keep your eye on the destination.Enjoy the journey,right here,right now,and appreciate what a gift it is to be able to follow your dreams.



  以上就是小编为大家介绍的急求一篇关于《拼搏与梦想》的英语演讲稿…时间3~4分钟 的全部内容,如果大家还对相关的内容感兴趣,请持续关注宽屏壁纸网!





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